//index//ez peeler//CHEAP THEATRE//about//
This was to be the official website of Industry. In late 1998, with the rise of internet use by the worker Industry decided it should begin to develop an official site. It never launched due to Industry's collapse on the 31st of December 1999, most never even knew of it's development. From what little content I found on the site, I feel it is safe to assume that much of the effort was put into it's security, which was magnificent for it's time. Since Industry has no further use of this, it has been decided that it will now serve as a testament to creativity. In a sense it will be a curated list of artists from here and beyond. Artists who's music illustrates the effect of Industry on creative pursuits. The style of the site will remain as it was originally designed as a looking glass into pre-19*00 web design. I'm personally thrilled to be working on this project as it is the antithesis of what Industry stood for. Creativity for creativity's sake. Kindest, B |